A LPI (Linux Professional Institute) anunciou hoje que novas mudanças para seu programa de certificação LPIC-2 e LPIC-3. Segue a baixo a noticia.
(Sacramento, CA, USA: January 24, 2013) The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the world’s premier Linux certification organization, announced upcoming changes to their LPIC-2 and LPIC-3 certification programs. New objectives for these certifications are presently under development. New exams will be available in English on October 1, 2013 with local translations and pricing TBA.
“Following extensive consultations with partner organizations and industry representatives we will be concentrating essential and advanced system administration skills in LPIC-2 while further focusing the LPIC-3 program on specific specialties: Mixed Environments, Security, and High Availability/Virtualization, ” said Jim Lacey, President and CEO of the Linux Professional Institute. Mr. Lacey added that these upcoming changes also reflect LPI’s engagement with the wider Open Source community in determining the best skill sets required for a variety of specialized job roles for Linux professionals.